BCS Parent Letter

May 29, 2020

Dear BCS Families,

We hope that our BCS families are doing well and have been able to enjoy the beautiful weather over the past couple of weeks.  Following a May 9th snowstorm it seems as though we transition from winter to summer overnight here in Maine.  The quick change has certainly been a welcomed and much needed boost for everyone to begin to spend more time outside doing many of the things that we normally do at this time of year.  

As June rapidly approaches we wanted to make everyone aware of some end of the school year activities and events.    Below is a list of important items to pay close attention to;

  • Remote Learning - New remote learning activities will conclude on June 5th.  Optional activities and assignments will remain posted on our website.

  • Report Cards - Teachers will be completing 3rd trimester report cards the week of June 8th.  All report cards will be mailed out on Friday, June 12th.

  • Student Belongings - Parents may notify office staff if there are items that their student needs returned.  We will then collect the items and they can be picked up the next day during office hours (9:00-12:30).

  • Device Return, Instrument Return, and Yearbook Pick-up - June 10th & 11th, from 9:00-11:00, students will need to return Ipads/Chromebooks and school owned musical instruments.  Please label all returned items with masking tape containing student name and homeroom teacher.  We will need all devices returned so that they can be updated and prepped for the start of school in the fall.  Yearbooks may also be picked up during this time.  The procedure will be the same as the one used during device pick-up.  Drive through the circle and a staff member will come to your vehicle to accept returned items and get your yearbook if you have purchased one.

  • Bikes for Books - Will end on Monday and is virtual for grades 3-8 this spring. We have posted reminders online, but please remind your child that June 1st is the deadline to enter and is linked here: Bikes for Books Entry Form  We will announce winners on or about June 2nd.

  • End of Year Grade Level Closure - Please encourage your child to connect with their teacher(s) ASAP to see what they might have planned for end of the year activities.  They will not want to miss out on these!!

    Celebrating our 8th Graders - Our current 8th grade class was the first kindergarten class that attended the newly constructed BCS in 2011.  We are currently planning to celebrate their accomplishments and time here at BCS in non traditional ways.  There will be a virtual assembly on June 10th that all students will want to be a part of.  Recognitions, teacher messages, and the presentation of individual “gifts” will be the primary focus of the assembly.  All 8th grade students will also receive a free yearbook thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor.  We also wanted to make students aware that a congratulatory message along with their names are scrolling across the electronic sign out front.  If you have yet to stop by and take a picture please feel free to do so.

Lastly, as things continue to change frequently in our state we will keep everyone up to speed in regards to what school will look like in the fall.  There are several possibilities out there right now that include being back full time, 100% remote learning, and everything in between.  As decisions are made we will be sure to communicate them with all of you so that you can plan accordingly.  We wish you all the best and hope that you will enjoy and make the best out of the beautiful summer that is coming.


Jason Richards

Allison Kahkonen

Samantha Pangburn