Happy November


October has come to a close, and it was a very busy month here at school!  School Spirit week went off with a bang.  It was great to see students wearing their comfy clothes, favorite hats, favorite sports team attire and last but not least, the Brewer school colors.  

Officer Willey made arrangements with the Brewer FD to visit our PreK - 4th grade students with their fire trucks to do presentations for Fire Safety Week on 10/13 and 10/14.  Students had the opportunity to talk with the Fire Crew, see some of the fire gear and enjoy the fire trucks.  Our students sure enjoyed learning all about fire safety.

The University of Maine at Augusta's Dental Hygiene program visited pk-2nd grade classes on October 19th, to teach about dental health. Dental hygiene kits were given to each student to take home. 

School pictures were sent home with students last week and picture retake day took place today.  

Each grade level has met in the Performing Arts Center for fall assemblies in the past couple of weeks to review school expectations and celebrate their hard work to start the school year.

With November upon us, cooler weather has definitely arrived. Please make sure that your child has their jacket, mittens/gloves, and hat. When the snow arrives, they should also have snow pants and boots.  We make every effort to get the kids outside for recess as often as we can, and they will be much more comfortable if they are dressed warmly.  Labeling your child’s items with their name will also help to return those items to them quickly if they are misplaced. 

“Rocktoberfest”  on the Track and Field is rescheduled for Friday, 11/3 for grades 5-8. There is a $5 admission that gives the students a burger or veggie burger, hotdog, tater tots, a bottle of water and a special treat for dessert with no other concessions sold.   There are also fun games and music planned.  

Students in grades 3-5 will be attending the BHS Drama production of The Stinky Cheese Man And Other Fairly Stupid Tales, based on the popular children's book, during the school day on November 8th. 

YAY!!  Brewer Community School has been selected by the Store Leadership Team at Hannaford to benefit from the Community Bag Program. BCS will receive $1 from every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold during the month of November 2023 on 383 Wilson Street!

Dental cleanings will once again be offered at Brewer Community School!  Tooth Protectors is a  Maine based organization, with a team of insured, licensed, fingerprinted, registered, PHS (Public Health Status) dental hygienists. The team travels throughout the state with portable equipment providing much needed preventative dental hygiene care.  Tooth Protectors plans to come to BCS on 11/7/23 and 11/8/23.   If you would like to have your child have their teeth cleaned at school,and have chosen not to enroll your child in the dental program with the School Based Health Center,  please complete this form by Friday 11/3/2023.  Dental Permission Form  If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the form, please call the school office at 404-5702 or print, complete and return the attached form to school  by Friday 11/3/23. 

The BCS PTU will be holding their next meeting on Monday November 6th at 6:00pm in the BCS library. All are welcome! 

Finally, conferences take place later this month. Forms and sign up information are coming out this week. These are scheduled for November 20th and 21st, and school is not in session at all during that week. Monday is scheduled for 1:00-7:00 and Tuesday is 10:00-4:00. We can offer both in person and virtual options in order to meet the various needs of our families. Our staff is looking forward to holding these important conversations!

Upcoming dates:

  • Nov 10 – No school- Holiday 

  • Nov 13- World Kindness Day

  • Nov 17- End of 1st Trimester (Report cards will go home in early December)

  • Nov 20-21 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (no school)

  • Nov 22-24 – Vacation/Holiday