BCS Winter Update

BCS Winter Update

Upcoming dates to know:

  • Just a reminder that Monday, January 18th is a Holiday. That means Tuesday and Thursday will be A days, and Wednesday and Friday will be B days. 

  • Grades 3, 4, and 8 will be remote next week, January 19th-22nd. Teachers will contact students/families directly with schedules.   

  • Related arts will be offered to students on their non cohort days.  For example, A cohort students will receive related arts on B days, and vice versa.

  • There are two Early Release days this month on January 28th (A day) and 29th (B day)

  • Winter break will run from February 15th-19th. 

Remember snow days = snow days! No need to engage in remote learning on these days 

Mid-trimester reports: We will not be sending home mid trimester reports this trimester- same as fall.  Teachers will be reaching out to the parents of students that may be struggling with any academics or work habits in the next week or two to ensure that everyone is working towards supporting the student in becoming more successful. We also encourage families of 6th-8th graders to also check grades in IC. If you have questions about your child’s progress, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We would like to stress the importance of students completing their assigned work on their at home learning days.  These assignments are a follow up to classroom instruction or in preparation for upcoming instruction.  At home learning days/work are critical to the effectiveness and success of the hybrid learning model.  Please do whatever you can to support your learner in setting up a schedule or routine for work completion on these days. If you have specific questions please reach out to your child’s teacher. 

Reminders of safety protocols - Please be sure to pre screen prior to sending your children to school each day.  If they are demonstrating any of the following symptoms please keep them at home and notify the office; 

  • fever or chills

  • cough            

  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • fatigue

  • muscle or body aches 

  • headache 

  • new loss of taste or smell

  • sore throat 

  • congestion or runny nose

  • nausea or vomiting or diarrhea

Mask wearing, physical distancing, and hand hygiene continue to play a crucial role in keeping our students and school well.  We appreciate your continued support in reinforcing the importance of these safety measures.

Finally, we want to recognize and thank our amazing staff, students and families for their efforts this year. We are so proud to be a part of the Brewer Community.